Invalid card verification number.
This error is caused when the user does not add the right CVV number. CVV number is the 3 or 4 numbers found behind your card and it is used to authenticate the card for transactions.
General decline by the processor.
For some reason, we could not complete your request.
Payment authorization failed.
IntaSend and partners set various rules to ensure transactions are safe. Among these, you are required to authenticate every transaction using the One Time PIN sent by your bank when checking out on IntaSend enabled platform.
We could not authenticate your request.
Encountered a Payer Authentication problem. Payer could not be authenticated. IntaSend is configured to perform 3D secure by default. This means, that the issuing bank will send a one-time password to the customer during payment authorization. If the customer does not …
We could not complete your request because of a general system failure.
This is a system error which might have occurred at our end, our service partners e.g Visa and the banks. We get automatically notified when such issues occur so that we can fix as soon …
Invalid account number
Invalid customer credit card number. For some reason, the card number is not recognized in the network.
Check and ensure that the card details are well inserted. We also recommend the use of a different card.
We could not complete your request because of a general decline response by your issuing bank. Please contact your bank to help resolve the issue and then retry again
Reason code 203 is a hard decline from the card-issuing bank. It is classified as a general decline …
Stolen or lost card
The customer should refer the transaction to his/her customer support center for manual review before trying again.
The request is missing one or more required fields.
Check for missing fields and resend the request with the correct information. All these fields are required for a successful transaction
Inactive card or card not authorized for card-not-present transactions
Typically a card might have been made inactive by the issuing bank or not allowed for the online transaction. If a card has been configured for use only in POS devices or ATMs, this error will occur.
We could not complete your request because of insufficient funds in the account.
Consider using a different card or contact your card provider (bank) for clarifications if this error persists.
One or more fields in the request contain invalid data.
Zipcode, country, or any other address field contain invalid data.